Teletalk Previous Question Solution

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited, also known as TBL or Teletalk, is the only state-owned telecom company in Bangladesh. Teletalk provides GSM, 3G, and LTE networks in Bangladesh, which was established in 2004.

Teletalk Question Solution

Post Name:

Executive, Technical

Executive, General (Business Development, General Administration, Legal)

Exam Date: 08 November, 2019

Exam time: 3.00 PM to 4.30 PM

Exam Taker: FBS DU

Teletalk Question Solution

Teletalk's previous question solution is found on our blog site. Teletalk job circular published on Teletalk's official website: The Teletalk job application process is online. Teletalk job application link is:

The Teletalk exam date is published on their site. The Teletalk exam takes IBA, BUET, FBS, MIST in maximum time. 

Teletalk Executive's previous question solution was found on our site. Also, you can find Teletalk Executive Technical's previous question solution on our blog. We can try to provide a Teletalk question solution PDF on this site. 

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited Question Solution

Teletalk Question Solution English Part

১. He always follows that old …..: early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Ans: adage
২. I find these mathematical puzzles too ….. and prefer the more straightforward type.
Ans: abstruse
৩. It’s no good ….. your head in the sand, you’ll have to face the truth in the end.
Ans: burying
৪. How many times have you ….. your house broken into?
Ans: had
৫. What is the feminine gender of earl?
Ans: countess
৬. European cuisine always ….. a sense of nostalgia and romance, like running into an old flame.
Ans: evokes
৭. During the war, many families tried to ….. as much food and supplies as they could.
Ans: hoard
৮. She was hardly-hit by the recent recession. Which word(s) make this sentence incorrect?
Ans: hardly-hit
৯. Teaching someone to drive is one of the ….. experiences you can have.
Ans: scariest
১০. ‘Darts are played by men as well us women’. Find the word mistakenly used in this sentence.
Ans: are

Teletalk Question Solution Math Part

১১. The value of 16 2/3% of—–is 150.
Ans: 900
১২. The area of circle will increase by—-times following a 100 percent increase of its radius.
Ans: 4
১৩. How much of an investment will produce a total amount of Tk. 826 at a 4.5 percent interest over a four year period.
Ans: 700
১৪. The decimal expression of 9.8 * 10^-3.
Ans: 0.0098
১৫. If the simple profit of Tk. 300 in 4 years and Tk. 400 in 5 years together Tk. 144. What is the percentage of profit?
Ans: 4.5
১৬. The interest earning of a four year period of a depositor is reduced by Tk. 2400 due to a 0.6 percent fall in interest rate. His deposit amount is:
Ans: 100000
১৭. Ans: 2/3
১৮. Ans: 2.5
১৯. Ans: 1
২০. Ans: 31

Teletalk Previous Question Solution

Teletalk Question Solution BanglaPart

২১. Syntax এর সমার্থক বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ কি?
উত্তরঃ বাক্যতত্ত্ব
২২. পিপা কোন ভাষার শব্দ?
উত্তরঃ পর্তুগিজ (বাজারের অনেক বইয়ে পিপা হিন্দি শব্দ বলেছে যা ভুল উত্তর)
২৩. Invoice শব্দটির বাংলা পরিভাষা কি?
উত্তরঃ চালান
২৪. ‘ক’ বর্গের ধ্বনিসমূহের উচ্চারণ স্থান কোনটি?
উত্তরঃ জিহ্বামূল
২৫. কোন বানানটি সঠিক?
উত্তরঃ মহর্ষি

Teletalk Question Solution General Knowledge and ICT Part

২৬. The book fire and fury is written by?
উত্তরঃ Michael Wolff
২৭. Number of Bengali personalities won Nobel prize?
উত্তরঃ 4
২৮. Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2019?
উত্তরঃ James Peebles
২৯. Which country is popularly known as ‘pearl island’?
উত্তরঃ Bahrain
৩০. ISO 24000 certificates are awarded for assuring standard in?
উত্তরঃ Sustainable procurement
৩১. Which of the following errors is generated when rules of a programming language is violated?
উত্তরঃ Syntax error
৩২. The systems software that creates the final executable file is:
উত্তরঃ Linker
৩৩. When the diode current is large, the bias is—-.
Ans: reverse
৩৪. What causes holes in a intrinsic semiconductor at room temperature.
Ans: Thermal energy
৩৫. The capacitance of a varactor diode increases when reverse voltage across it—-.
Ans: decreases
৩৬. The reverse current in diode consists of minority carrier current and—current.
Ans: forward
৩৭. The base emitter voltage is usually—-supply voltage.
Ans: less than the base
৩৮. In MICR,C stands for—?
Ans: Character
৩৯. The founding year of Teletalk is——-
Ans: 2004
৪০. The cutoff frequency of an op amp equals the unity-gain frequency divided by …….
Ans: Closed loop voltage gain

Teletalk Question Solution Written Part

Written Part Marks: 60

1. Writing Part
a) E-commerce নিয়ে একটা প্যাসেজ অনুবাদ।
b) Paragraph: Paradigm changes in telecommunication industries in Bangladesh.

2. Math Part
a) Inner surface area দেয়া আছে। বাইরের দৈর্ঘ্য প্রস্ত উচ্চতা দেয়া আছে। পুরুত্ব বের করতে হবে
b) X এর অসমতা দেয়া আছে। X এর সর্বোচ্চ ভ্যালু কত হতে পারে
c) 7 letter. A তিনটি, B দুইটি, C একটি, D একটি থাকবে – কত ভাবে সাজানো যায় এমন একটা গণিত।

3. Focus Writing Part
a) টেলিযোগাযোগ খাতে উন্নয়ন একটি দেশের উন্নয়নের পূর্বশর্ত – অনুচ্ছেদ লিখো
b) Short Note:
i) difference between internet and www
ii) GSM, CDMA Full Meaning
iii) টেলিটক কবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়
iv) Which Bangla month is adjusted to recognize the leap year?
v) World telecommunication day কোনটি?

4. Brought Question Part:
a) Function of b node & ggsn.
b) Once a website is designed & developed, what are the steps to make it live online.
c) Difference between Quantum computer & Normal Computer.
d) What are the approaches to test & debug a program?
e) Main difference between vertical & horizontal micro instruction?

Or, EEE related

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