Petrobangla Question Solution PDF Download - IBA Job Solution

Petrobangla previous question solution PDF download link given below in this post. Generally, Petrobangla exam takers were IBA, DU, or FBS, DU. You can find the the Petrobangla Assistant Manager question solution Picture.

Petrobangla previous question solution

Petrobangla at a Glance:

is the PDFRecently, Petrobangla announced their new job circular exam date. The Petrobangla Assistant Manager exam will be held on 26 August 2022. The total exam time is 1:30 hours. The Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (PetroBangla) admission card download link is

Petrobangla Admit Download Link 

Petrobangla Information: 

Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation - BOGMC also called Petrobangla which is operate under the Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resource. Petrobangla official website link is 

Petrobangla Website Link

Petrobangla is an autonomous organization of the Bangladesh government. Petrobangla regulates 13 other autonomous companies in Bangladesh. They are divided into 4 different categories. 

Petrobangla Job Circular:

Recently, Petrobangla published a new government job circular in Bangladesh. The new Petrobangla job circular has different types of posts. 

Petrobangla Job Apply:

the process of Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation through an online system. Petrobangla job application starts under the Teletalk server. All jobs on teletalk offer a premium ID. Petrobangla job application link is 

Petrobangla Appy Link 

Petrobangla Exam Date and Seat Plan:

After completing the online job application process at Petrobangla, after some days or some months, Petrobangla announced the job exam schedule. BOGMC published a seat plan on their official website. 

Petrobangla Admit Card Download: 

The Admit card for the Petrobangla job exam was published on Teletalk job server.

Petrobangla Exam Taker: 

Most of the time,'s Petrobangla exam taker was IBA or DU. IBA arranges the whole exam very smoothly. That's why they get tender very easily. 

Petrobangla Question Pattern: 

The Petrobangla exam question pattern is very simple. The exam pattern of Petrobangla has two different parts. One is MCQ, and another is written. 

Petrobangla Marks Distribution: 

Marks distribution and exam syllabus of Petrobangla are given below: 

MCQ Part 40 or 50, including Bangla, Math, English, GK, and ICT.  After completing the Petrobangla MCQ exam, you need to answer the Petrobangla Written exam. The IBA written exam part has 20 marks. Written parts have 1 or 2 written math, English paragraphs, English focus writing, and translation.

Petrobangla Previous Question Solution PDF Download Link: 


If you want to get this lucrative job in Bangladesh, then try hard and hard. Follow the IBA pattern. IBA or FBS will be the exam taker for the Petrobangla Assistant Manager job exam.

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